Bertrand Comparet PDF Library Bertrand Comparet A Faith For These Days A Famine For Hearing A Reward for the Righteous Adam Was Not the First Man America is a Bible Land Babylon's Money Binding The Strong Man Can Anything Be "Judeo-Christian"? Christianity Discriminates Christianity In the Old Testament Daniel's Fifth Kingdom Destroying Many by Peace False Prophets Addendum to Noah’s Flood (discussing the site of the flood) Gathering the Tares Gathering the Nations God's Immigration Laws I Come As A Thief In Partnership With Yahweh Isaiah Up-to-Date Israel's Fingerprints Israel in the New Testament Israel in the Book of Revelation Judgement Begins at the House of God On the Kingdom of Heaven Let's Examine The Evidence Let's Review the Diagnosis Lift up Your Heads Like All the Other Nations Looking For Lost Heirs Lost Foundations Man & Beast Merchants of Babylon Miracle of the Origin of Our Race Nicodemus & Joseph of Arimathea Noah's Flood was Not World Wide Not A New Doctrine Nothing New Under the Sun Proof that Yahshua is the Christ Ruth Was an Israelite Salvation or Redemption The Bible Commands Segregation Squandering our Birthright Stop Helping God's Enemies That's Controversial The Bible is Scientific The Book of Esther The Budding of the Fig Tree The Camouflaged Nation The Day of His Preparation The Day of the Lord The Day of Yahweh (same sermon as The Day of the Lord) The Destiny of Our Race The Good & Bad Figs The Great Masquerade The Higher Calling The Hydrogen Bomb in Bible Prophecy The Missing Years in the Life of Christ The Sea & the Waves RoaringThe Sheep & Goats The Soldier's Ransom The Stone of Destiny The Watchman The Whole Armour of Yahweh The Word that Christ has Spoken The Cain / Satanic Seedline The Mystery of the Ages Unfaithful Sheperds What Happened to Cain? Christian Identity, What is It? What is Religion? Whom Did Moses Marry? Why Do You Quote that One? With Healing in His Wings Ye Are The Light of the World