The Men of His Own House
This sermon had been taken from Your Heritage, and prepared into a PDF file by Clifton A. Emahiser’s Watchman Teaching Ministries with added critical notes.
by Bertrand L. Comparet
It is clear to all students of Bible prophecy, we are now in the last days of this age, the time of the end. We know this because we recognize the conditions surrounding us and in the principal events of current history. The things the prophets said would be the signs of the end of this age are happening now. Among these signs are the gathering of the heathen nations against the Christian nations and their preparation to conquer us in battle, if they can. There is another and far more sinister sign, it also is one which the prophets said would be a sign of the end of this age, the danger from internal subversion.
Yahweh has set His own children, the sons and daughters of Israel, apart from the rest of the world. They were put here for a purpose, to know their Father, their God and to worship Him only. They were to know His laws and to obey them and to demonstrate to the rest of the world what great blessings come to those who do worship and obey the only true God, Yahweh.
You who have followed these lessons, know that the children of Israel are today known as the Anglo-Saxon nations of the world. They are the Germanic, Scandinavian, British and Celtic people found in Germany, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Holland, the British Isles including Ireland, and in their former colonies, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Not all of these individuals have lived up to this obligation, as we know. However as a whole, they have lived up to it to a degree which has set them apart among all the nations of the world. Because they have in general been faithful to Yahweh, they have also received the benefits which He promised to them. Truly they have received the blessings in Genesis 27:28-29, “Yahweh give thee of the dew of heaven and the fatness of the earth and plenty of corn and wine: Let people serve thee and nations bow down to thee: be lord over thy brethren and let thy mother’s sons bow down to thee: cursed be every one that curseth thee and blessed be he that blesseth thee.”
By reason of the blessings given by our God, the Anglo-Saxon people have become the have nations of the world, the pagan nations have been the have not nations. The pagan nations are living on land rich in natural resources, which they have not developed, unless we have done it for them. Naturally they envy us most bitterly for this, they hate us even for the things we have shown them how to do. It is no cause for surprise that they are now joining together against us, hoping to destroy us and steal our wealth.
It is also true that our greatest danger is not from these external enemies, but from the traitorous enemies from within. This also is fulfillment of Bible prophecy and a sign of the time of the end. Yahshua mentioned it, among other places, in His parable of the tares among the wheat. The enemies, the sons of Satan, would be living among us, doing their deadly work here in our own land. They would be here right to the very end, when the angel reapers would take them out and burn them. Meanwhile the angels are fulfilling the prophecy by gathering the tares in bundles, the opponents of Christianity and Yahweh’s kingdom are being gathered into the various left wing organizations.
As I have said before, the Bible is always true to its own law of the two witnesses. What one prophet says is confirmed by the writings of other prophets, written centuries before or centuries later. Therefore we find as we would expect, confirmation in other parts of the Bible. For example, Psalm chapter 74 is a prayer of Yahweh’s people Israel for His help in a time of great peril. They tell Him at verses 74:4, 23, “Thine enemies roar in the midst of Thy congregations. ... the tumult of those that rise up against Thee increaseth continually.” Surely this is true today. The enemies of Yahweh roar out their hatred of us and our God from within His congregations. They fight bitterly to keep His name from being mentioned in our schools. They threaten lawsuits against any city council, school board or other governing body which would allow any kind of religious services on public property. They object even to having any session of an official body opened with prayer. By their own admission they are enemies of Yahweh, our God.
These same ones whom Yahshua identified as the sons of their father the devil, are also the enemies of our nation and our American way of life. Everything that has made us great, these Khazarl-Canaanite-Jews denounce as belonging to the horse and buggy days. They call us reactionary and attack by calling us Fascists and extreme right wing all those who seek to preserve the virtues which made us the freest, most prosperous and most powerful nation in all of world history.
They put evil pressures on our congressmen and senators to enact laws and approve treaties which would completely destroy our independence and make us a conquered province of the United Nations. We would lose our power to control our political relations with other nations, or our trade with them. We couldn’t forbid the pagan and hostile races from pouring in by the millions until we would be swamped under the incoming tidal wave of other races, aliens who would then rule us in our own country.
The prophet Micah knew the score. Micah chapters 2 & 3 describe the evil deeds of these tares among the wheat. In chapter 5, he prophesies the attack upon us by the armies of the enemy from without. In Micah 7:6 he warns us that in these times, “A man’s enemies are the men of his own household.” Truly inspired is this connection of the threat of invasion from without, at the time of the end, and the fact that the real enemies are those of our own household. Yahshua confirms this in Matthew 10:34-36, He warns us, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. ... And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.”
While the evil originates with the tares among the wheat, the sons of their father the devil, they know how to dress it up in false colors, until even some of the children of Israel are deceived. Evil never makes headway when it sails under its true colors. However, when it is falsely represented as good, it will deceive many who are not among Yahweh’s elect. Therefore, these evil doctrines have made quite a number of converts among our people who should know better. Accordingly, Yahshua warned there would be many of the children of the kingdom who would be cast out into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
The purposes of prophecy are two fold. First, to serve as a warning of what is to come, for the benefit of all who will believe it and act upon it. By his belief in prophecy, Noah saved himself and his family from the flood. There have been many books of religion and of prophecy written, making it difficult to know which were genuine and which were false. Therefore the second purpose of prophecy is to prove which are the truly inspired works and which are false. In Isaiah 41:23 Yahweh challenges the other religions, “Show the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods.” They could not, so their claims and their writings have been rejected.
Our Bible has proven itself by the fulfillment of prophecies many times, over thousands of years. Its genuineness is beyond question by any reasonable man who has carefully read it and compared it with history. Therefore, the warnings in its prophecies, addressed to us, should be taken very seriously. When Micah was able to point out the chief danger we face today, writing of it almost 2,700 years ago, we are indeed foolish if we fail to heed him.
It has always been the fate of those who have believed Yahweh and heeded His warnings, that they have been ridiculed and even hated by those who must learn all bitter lessons the hard way and this is true today. We are called fanatics, bigoted, extremists and other things far less polite. Nevertheless, the events of the day vindicate those who have heeded Yahweh’s warning and opened their eyes to reality.
It surely is true, in these days of desperate and increasing danger, that our worst enemies are those who live within our own national household. Those who have scoffed at prophecy have finally paid the penalty, all through the centuries. Pray that our nation will wake up and take warning, while there is still time!
Critical note by Clifton A. Emahiser: Comparet put it quite well when he said, “Among these signs are the gathering of the heathen nations against the Christian nations and their preparation to conquer us in battle, if they can. There is another and far more sinister sign, it also is one which the prophets said would be a sign of the end of this age, the danger from internal subversion. Yahweh has set His own children, the sons and daughters of Israel, apart from the rest of the world. They were put here for a purpose, to know their Father, their God and to worship Him only. They were to know His laws and to obey them ...” But I don’t agree where he said, “... and to demonstrate to the rest of the world what great blessings come to those who do worship and obey the only true God, Yahweh.” Contrary to Comparet, we are not here to “demonstrate” anything to the rest of the world (meaning the other races)! On the other hand, Comparet correctly stated: “Naturally they envy us most bitterly for this, they hate us even for the things we have shown them how to do. It is no cause for surprise that they are now joining together against us, hoping to destroy us and steal our wealth.”
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