What Jeremiah Planted
This sermon had been taken from Your Heritage, and prepared into a PDF file by Clifton A. Emahiser’s Watchman Teaching Ministries with added critical notes.
by Bertrand L. Comparet
One of the greatest figures in history is the prophet Jeremiah. Yahweh commissioned him to carry out a double task. We are told in Jeremiah 1:10, “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down and to destroy and to throw down; to build and to plant.” His rooting out and throwing down was completed when Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonian army finished the deportation of the kingdom of Judah to Babylon. Its last traces being thrown down when the murder of governor Gedaliah was followed by the flight of the survivors to Egypt, compelling Jeremiah to accompany them despite his warning against this. What and where did he plant? Historically, the Bible does not tell us, as it last mentions him at Tahpanhes in Egypt.
Just as Jeremiah had warned the people of Judah in Jerusalem, not to rebel against Babylon, so had Ezekiel at Babylon given the same warning. He gave the parable of a great eagle which cropped off the top twigs of the cedar tree (an emblem of Judah’s royal family), carried it to Babylon and planted it, where it became a low vine. But another eagle came along and the vine grew toward him. Ezekiel says the first eagle is Nebuchadnezzar, and the second is Pharaoh of Egypt. Ezekiel then warns of punishment for breaking the covenant to be a vassal of Babylon. Then, in contrast to what the eagles have done, Yahweh says what He will do.
Ezekiel 17:22-23 records, “Thus saith Yahweh: I also will take of the highest branch of the high cedar and will set it; I will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one, and will plant it upon an high mountain and eminent. In the mountain of the height of Israel will I plant it: and it shall bring forth boughs and bear fruit and be a goodly cedar: and under it shall dwell all fowl of every wing; in the shadow of the branches thereof shall they dwell.” Feminine words are used for young twigs a tender one, though masculine words would have served as well.
II Kings 25:7 tells how Nebuchadnezzar killed all the sons of the king of Judah, thinking this destroyed the royal family. However, under Israel law when there were no sons, the inheritance went to the daughters. Jeremiah chapters 43 & 44 record that he, with his scribe Baruch and the king’s daughters, were taken by the remnant of the people to Tahpanhes in Egypt. There he warned them that they were all doomed, except those that could possibly escape from Egypt. This escape is the only possible fuIfiIIment of Yahweh’s prophecy that Jeremiah would “build and plant.” Jeremiah built and planted and where. Churches which like to call Jeremiah the prophet of doom, have created the fable that he died in Egypt. By this they accuse Yahweh of failure and falsehood, for Jeremiah could only build and plant as Yahweh prophesied, after leaving Egypt. So, let us see what
The king’s daughters were the tender twigs which Yahweh said He would plant. Where could Jeremiah have taken them? Remember, it must be to a great Israel nation, “In the mountain in the height of Israel”. He did not take them to Babylon, where the people of Judah were captives, this would have been recorded by Ezekiel and Daniel if it had happened. He would not have been allowed to take them through the Babylonian empire to where the ten northern tribes of Israel were by this time known as the Scythians. The record is clear that he did not take them back to the old kingdom of Judah to stay, though he probably stopped off there long enough to pick up the ark of the covenant, Jacob’s pillow, and the stone of destiny which had been hidden from the Babylonians. Where else were there Israelite kingdoms? They were in Greece, Spain and Ireland.
Historians agree that Greece was barbarous until a high civilization was brought there by settlers who had come from Egypt but were not Egyptians, being aliens expelled by the Egyptians. These are the Danaoi, seafarers of the tribe of Dan who had left Egypt by sea, the date is approximately the same as the exodus of Israel from Egypt. Also near this date, Ireland had been conquered by highly civilized invaders who came by sea, the Tuatha De Danaan, or tribe of Dan, who ruled Ireland for about 200 years thereafter.
Another Hebrew migration from Egypt was half of the royal tribe of Judah. This tribe consisted of two branches, respectively the descendants of Pharez and of Zarah. The Zarahites were men of great ability, even Solomon being compared to them in wisdom. The Pharez branch was considered the older, hence entitled to preference as the royal line. So, the Zarahites sought other lands where their ability might seek its own level. They settled in Crete, also founding the cities of Troy and Miletus. After the fall of Troy, somewhere near 1,000 B.C., Brutus the Trojan and his followers went to England, founding what became the city of London, Miletus became a great power. Milesian coins bore the lion of Judah and Milesian mercenary troops were hired by Egypt as its chief border guards. Milesians from Spain, with a considerable fleet and army, conquered the Tuatha De Danaan and settled in Ireland, where Milesian civilization lasted as long as Ireland remained independent.
Their language was Phoenician, which is a Semitic dialect akin to Hebrew and became the Gaelic language of ancient Ireland and Scotland, which even today is nearly identical with Phoenician. The Irish Chronicles also record that the Milesians introduced the laws of Moses, which remained Irish law until the time of St. Patrick.
Ancient Irish history records that about 583 B.C., there came to Ireland from Egypt Ollam Fodhla, which means the great prophet, with Brugh his scribe and Tea Tephi the daughter of a king. Irish tradition has always identified Ollam Fodhla as the prophet Jeremiah. Brugh, his scribe is of course Baruch, mentioned in the Bible as Jeremiah’s scribe.
Near Jeremiah’s tomb in Ireland, is a stone inscribed with hieroglyphics which show a star formation which could only have been seen about 583 B.C., which was the time of Jeremiah’s migration from Egypt. While the Bible records the capture of the ark of the covenant by the Philistines, it does not mention its capture by Babylon. Although it does mention their looting the golden vessels of the temple, we may be sure the ark was safely hidden.
In taking the king’s daughter on his divinely commanded mission to build and to plant, Jeremiah would naturally try to take along the remaining sacred objects. While there is no positive record of his taking the ark, the Irish Chronicles do record his bringing the stone of destiny, Jacob’s pillow. From Ireland it is historically traced through Scotland to England, where it is now in the coronation chair in Westminster Abbey.
The princess Tea Tephi, brought to Ireland by Jeremiah, is undoubtedly the daughter of King Zedekiah of Judah. She was married to Eochaid the Heremon (or chief king) of Ireland, who was of the Milesian dynasty and therefore of the Zarah branch of the royal tribe of Judah. So the two branches of the royal tribe were now united in the royal family ruling the free half of Judah. As Yahweh said to Jeremiah, He would clip off a tender twig from the highest twigs of the great cedar tree of Judah and plant it in the mountain of the height of Israel, which was fulfilled by this royal marriage.
Jeremiah was a prophet of doom only to the Palestinian kingdom of Judah and his prophecies were accurate. But this was not the end, for Yahweh said, “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and pull down and to destroy and to throw down but also to build and to plant.” Having finished the rooting out and throwing down, Jeremiah went on to build and to plant in Ireland, where Yahweh’s people Israel had established a high civilization, just as Yahweh had prophesied.
Critical note by Clifton A. Emahiser: Here is part of what I said in my Watchman’s Teaching Letter #21 for January, 2000: “This commission breaks down into six phases thusly: (1) to root out, (2) to pull down, (3) to destroy, (4) to throw down, (5) to build and (6) to plant. You may search all the Bible commentaries, dictionaries, atlases or encyclopedias on this verse and find next to nothing worth repeating. It’s almost as if the verse didn’t exist, and this commission is probably one of the greatest ever authorized by Yahweh. All the great minds of nominal theology are stymied for an explanation. What few utterances these sources do have to offer are preposterous generalizations which have little, if any, application. It is only in British-Israel that a satisfactory answer can be found especially on the ‘building and planting.’ All others are helplessly mute on the subject. On this among a very few other key verses, the entire Bible stands or falls. If the ‘building’ and ‘planting’ cannot be explained, Israel Identity is a myth as well as all Holy Writ. Without this verse, we might as well quit and join the world order ...
“Professor C. A. L. Totten states: ‘Where the Sacred Canon (purposely, as we believe) allows the record of Zarah’s line to lapse, there they are blindly taken up and continued by no less than three, perhaps more, independent and widely separated secular colleges of history.
“‘For if Darda, the Egyptian, son of Zarah, was Dardanus, the Egyptian founder of Troy, and if Chalcol was the Egyptian Cecrops or Niul and the contemporary founder of Athens and Thebes, and if Heman, the brother of Niul, was likewise contemporary Egyptian Agenon who inherited Phoenicia, and Mahol, the son of Zarah and the father of these famous Egyptians, was Scytha, or Fenesia Farsa, the Egyptian ancestor of the Milesians, whose records, full and complete, enable us to blend the whole into one continuous recital down to the present day, surely we have means at hand in Trojan, Grecian and Milesian sources to continue out the record of the Sacred Chronicles, and lend them greater reverence as we come to understand and prize them at their worth!
“‘And it is just this claim that we now advance, for by rescuing this fragmentary reference to Zarah’s line, found in I Kings (4:30-31), from the ignorance and misconception with which all former generations seem to have treated it, and by reading in it a clear and intentional reference to the famous Heroes of Secular History, to the founders of Phoenicia, Grecia, Troy, and the Milesians, and indirectly to Rome, the child of Troy, to Carthage and to the Brigantes of Hispania. we place in the hands of our race, and before their opened eyes the peer of the Rosetta Stone itself’.” (The Secret of History, pages 164-166.)
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